Rules & Regulations

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

-Albert Einstein

US Masters

The US Masters welcomes all brass bands and ensembles from anywhere worldwide to participate in its annual brass entertainment championships. The US Masters is a multi-section event. Bands that perform at the Championship or 1st Section level should register for Division I. All other bands are encouraged to register in Division II.  

Important Dates

September 1 – Registration and Fee Due

October 1 – Program Information and Multimedia Requests Due

October 15 – PDF Copies of Scores and Arrangement/Performance Licenses Due

November 1 – Emcee Notes & Multimedia Information/Files Due

Rules & Regulations

The contest is free of artistic restriction, and there is no constraint on instrumentation. Singing is also permitted. Program content should be in good taste and respectful without possibly causing any offense to audience members. 

The total playing time (excluding announcements and applause) should be at most 25 minutes. Three points will be deducted for each minute or part of a minute from the final score total by which this is exceeded. The adjudicators will not be informed of any such infringement until after adjudication is completed. 

The order of play will be drawn in advance of the competition. The draw will occur virtually via Facebook Live on the US Masters Facebook page on Saturday, September 21 , 2024, at noon (CST).

The following should be uploaded to a Dropbox/Google Drive/etc folder and shared with by October 1.

    1. Title of production
    2. Band logo (transparent background preferred)
    3. Running order of music (including full title, composer and/or arranger, soloist details, and timings)
    4. Full-color band photo (resolution at least 300 dpi)
    5. Full-color conductor photo (resolution at least 300 dpi), 
    6. Band bio (500 words or less)
    7. Conductor bio (300 words or less)
    8. Any custom arrangement licenses 
      1. It is the responsibility of bands to have and be able to evidence in writing FULL PERMISSION FOR PERFORMANCE  AT THE CONTEST OF ALL NON-PUBLISHED MATERIALS. Failure to obtain permission may lead to disqualification from the competition and/or prosecution by the party whose copyright is being infringed.

Lee Harrelson will serve as emcee and will briefly introduce the music, composers, and other relevant information. After that, any spoken word, media, music/soundtrack, or multimedia will constitute part of the band’s performance and be included within the time allowed. For the purposes of time, applause after each item is not counted as part of the band’s performance. Each band will decide where it wants announcements to be made, and the suggested script should be shared to by November 1.

Participating bands are welcome to use their own emcee.

Multimedia facilities and additional lighting facilities to supplement band performances are permitted. However, it should be noted that necessary rules will apply to such use, and these are as follows: 

A large screen is projected to the audience above the main stage.

    1. The US Masters can play slideshow presentations or play back movie files. These must be shared to by November 1 for checking and compiling.
    2. If you plan to use a slideshow, please use Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote for Mac. Please prepare your presentation in widescreen 16:9 format.
    3. Any movie files should be prepared at 1920×1080, 25p, and be in MP4 (H.264) format. These should be of a bitrate of approx. 4 Mbps, depending on content. Please be aware that movies submitted in different forms may not play back as expected.
    4. Do not use the extremities of the screen for text or essential graphics as this may be cropped due to the border around the screen – stay within a “safe” area.
    5. Once a video has been started, it cannot be stopped and re-started. Separate video files will be required if this is needed. However, the screen can be cut to black on request (i.e., if a video was mistimed on the day, for example). 
    6. Audio files can be played back if required. These must be shared by November 1 for checking and compiling.
    7. A representative from your band must be available to cue multimedia and lighting with the operator. They should be familiar with the program and the desired effects.
    8. Any material for use on the large screen must be free of copyright. Most commercially produced materials expressly forbid showing without prior consent. You can’t use such material unless you provide proof of written permission. Notwithstanding this, the U.S. Masters will not be liable for any breach of copyright in any way.
    9. Any material intended for multimedia use must be shared by November 1.
    10. Any band wishing to use multimedia material must provide its own technician to oversee the operation. The U.S. Masters will not accept responsibility for the technical failure of any intended multimedia material. Bands wishing to avail themselves of the large screen facility should be aware of the following: The Adjudicators WILL be informed of those bands using the facility and will be asked to take its effectiveness into account in their assessment. Though the use of the screen may enhance performance, it may also have the opposite effect on the judgment of the Adjudicators.

After the last band’s performance, the adjudicators will be escorted to the Control Center to finalize and deliver their results to the Contest Controller. 

The awards ceremony will either take place at the conclusion of the gala concert. All bands are asked to be represented during the Awards Ceremony by nominating their own representative.

While the US Masters will give every possible assistance, they will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury sustained at the event. Bands should ensure that they have the necessary insurance to cover these contingencies.

It is incumbent on the competing bands to accept responsibility for the welfare of any young children / young people / vulnerable adults in their care for the duration of the festival. Documentation is sent to each competing band, and the band secretary must complete and return the necessary information, if applicable to any of their players, to the US Masters to ensure compliance with safeguarding / child and vulnerable person’s requirements. 

The US Masters are open to all bands regardless of ability and/or nationality. 

The total membership of each band will be unlimited, but only a total of 35 participants (to include your conductor if they perform beyond conducting), including percussion, vocalists, and any other performers who may appear on stage at one time. Any personnel changes can only be made between contest pieces.

A band member may not compete with more than one band unless they are a genuine member of multiple bands. No special scheduling considerations will be made to accommodate performers in multiple bands.

Each Band should provide a single point of contact to

All bands will add electronic copies of their musical selections to their Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. folder by October 15. 

The US Masters adjudication will be open. There are 125 points possible from each adjudicator, with 100 points possible for Music and 25 points possible for Entertainment. 

The basis for the adjudicators’ evaluation is the performers’ achievement as displayed that day. It is the sum of two elements of what they present and how well they perform it. All judges evaluate both of these elements. Each band’s presentation is numerically rewarded to the degree that it is successfully performed. 

The contest encourages and awards innovation and artistry for skillful presentations of new compositions and arrangements for brass band and unique and successful entertainment devices used during the performance. 


    1. Low-level fog/haze. 
    2. Amplified instruments or keyboards.  Note: Amplified instruments are usually best done through the hall’s PA system, but this cannot be rehearsed, and the level would be left to the in-house engineer with a suggestion of approximately how loud it should be.
    3. Any special requests must be shared by October 1 and bands will be notified of any additional cost at that time. 

Any appeals must be made in writing and sent to the US Masters within 14 DAYS following the contest. The US Masters will consider the need to appoint an independent appeal panel under such circumstances, and prizes will be withheld until the appeal has been resolved. 

Disqualification or any other form of penalty will be at the sole discretion of the US Masters, whose decision will be final.

The US Masters reserves the right to live stream the event online. Should the event be live-streamed, the US Masters will secure the necessary licenses and permission to do so. 

Venue information can be found here.

Sample Adjudication Sheet

Need a Rule Clarification?

Send us a note and we’ll be happy to help!

The ‘US Masters LLC’ is a Limited Liability Corporation. 
